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What is SEO? How to optimize your site

 SEO - Search Engine Optimization

SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization" It will improve a website's visibility in search engines (e.g., Google, Bing). The better visibility on your page in search results, the more visitors are found and click through the process for getting more traffic from organic results in search engines. 

How does searching work?

When you open the search engine and type the query, it shows the top search result. It's called a SERP (Search Engine Results Page). It is organized in different ways. SERP includes paid ads first, and below are the organic pages. The search result shows that the top page has more traffic pages that are relevant to your query, and the high-ranking process for your query is an organic traffic page. Paid ads also show up in the search results.

How do search engines organize web pages in their searches?

For a website to get a search engine result page, it needs to be discoverable by search engines. If you provide high-quality content for the user-related query, you won’t be able to rank highly without getting discovered through the processes of crawling and indexing. The mechanism behind rankings works similarly for search engines. Google is the most proactive about its tools and processes, so we'll use Google's instructions to describe crawling and indexing.


What is crawling?

Simply put, crawling means visiting and scanning your website page using a bot. Every search engine has an individual bot. There are over 1.7 billion sites, with more than 5,00,000 added each day. This page has already been visited. The link follows from a known page to a new page. Processes the list of pages in a sitemap. Follow CMS instructions for new or updated pages. Receive data from domain registrars and hosting providers.


What is indexing?

After the search engine finds a new page, it analyses the content on the page, structure, and layout to rank for relevant queries. The process is called indexing. User search queries relevant to your content page help search engines index the content.

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